I have been looking around a lot for info on the voltages used on this module, but I have found very conflicting results.
Basically my question is:
If the module (for example on ebay) is listed as "supply voltage 3.0-3.6V", does this mean I have to use that voltage range for all pins, or just the Vcc pin? Can it take 5V on the CE/CSN/MOSI/MISO etc?
Pico is quite correct here, but I'd like to mention that I did run one of mine with VDD=5V by accident, for a few minutes, and it shows no ill effects. Not that I'd recommend it -- I got lucky.
In particular note section 4.
VDD = 1.9 - 3.6 V
VDD if input signals >3.6v (your case) = 2.7 - 3.3v
i.e. better regulation is required with 5v signals.