Hi! I've been successfully using nrf24l01 antennas for some time. At the moment I am making low power node, which consists of atmega328P (with arduino bootloader), nrf24l01+ antenna and temperature/humidity sensor (DHT22). Everything works perfect but I have a problem with current draw. If i use nrf24l01+ without amplifier, current consumption in sleep mode is few uA. But when I change antenna and use nrf24l01+ with PA, current consumption is 6 mA.
So my question is, is there any way to lower drawn current when using antenna with PA or do I have to use antenna without amplifier? I am using RF24 library and I turn off the radio before putting AVR in sleep mode. Everything in the above scenario is the same, I only use different antennas (with or without amplifier).
Just to be clear, this is the antenna with PA: http://www.ebay.com/itm/nRF24L01-Wireless-Transceiver-Module-PA-SMA-Antenna-MAX-distance-up-to-1KM-/160822596423?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2571c61347
And this is the antenna without PA: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2pcs-2-4GHz-NRF24L01-Antenna-Wireless-Transceiver-Module-For-Microcontrol-/370736445804?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item56519d396c