NRFL01 + SPI OLED display

Hello, I have connected the NRF24L01 and an SPI OLED display (128x64) to the UNO. I have attached the pin connections. The problem is that the display works well until I write the command nRF.begin(). When the arduino reads this command the display freezes. The code however continues on working. I don't know much about SPI but a friend of mine told me I can attach multiple devices in parallel but there seems to be a problem with these two.

Can somebody please help?

Thank you in advance!

Pins_connection.doc (12.6 KB)

It sounds like you may have two issues. The CS can only select one device at a time. If more then one is selected you should have bus contention. Each SPI device needs a separate chip select. I think, I am just guessing but when you issue the nRF.begin() the transmitter turns on momentary and swamps the 3V regulator.

Some one can tell me briefly about

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