hi all
i want to convert 2 or 4 byte hex number to decimal number.
like 0xff to 255 or 0xffff to 65,535.
how can i do it in arduino?
please help or send the code.
i am new in arduino
i got this routine from internet but i dont know that how to use it as function?
unsigned int hexToDec(String hexString) {
unsigned int decValue = 0;
int nextInt;
for (int i = 0; i < hexString.length(); i++) {
nextInt = int(hexString.charAt(i));
if (nextInt >= 48 && nextInt <= 57) nextInt = map(nextInt, 48, 57, 0, 9);
if (nextInt >= 65 && nextInt <= 70) nextInt = map(nextInt, 65, 70, 10, 15);
if (nextInt >= 97 && nextInt <= 102) nextInt = map(nextInt, 97, 102, 10, 15);
nextInt = constrain(nextInt, 0, 15);
decValue = (decValue * 16) + nextInt;
return decValue;