Numbers and 16x2 LCD

I am not sure how to resolve this issue I am having and hope i can get some insight on how to resolve it.

I have a Nano with a 16x2 LCD that displays the next time a transmitter will key up. Basically a countdown timer with a relay, nothing fancy. The issue is when it counts down from 14 seconds to 0 when i get to 9 it displays as 90, 80, 70 and so fourth. I would like it to display the opposite way, 10, 09, 08 and so fourth.

Here is a snip it of the code that i am using. If more code is needed then i can post what is needed. Thanks for any help.

digitalWrite(TXRelay, HIGH);         
    lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
    lcd.print("NEXT TX:");
    lcd.setCursor(10, 2);
    lcd.print((( LastTX + OffTime) -  millis()) / 1000);

Spend a couple of seconds thinking about what happens when you do "lcd.setCursor(10, 2);" then print "10", then "lcd.setCursor(10, 2);" and print "9".

Now...can you see the issue?

This is a very common problem.
Here is the solution I use:

digitalWrite(TXRelay, HIGH);         
    lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
    lcd.print("NEXT TX:");
    lcd.setCursor(10, 2);
    unsigned long countdownSeconds = (( LastTX + OffTime) -  millis()) / 1000
    if (countdownSeconds < 10) lcd.print('0');


digitalWrite(TXRelay, HIGH);         

lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
    lcd.print("NEXT TX:");
    lcd.setCursor(10, 2);
    unsigned long countdownSeconds = (( LastTX + OffTime) -  millis()) / 1000
    if (countdownSeconds < 10) lcd.print('0');

Perehama thanks for the solution. I'm still working through learning this and i knew it was something simple. looking at how it was done now i completely understand it. thank you very much