I have a project but i haven't bought arduino yet because i want to be specific about the items i need i don't live in the us so if i wan't to ship those kind of items they would take approximately 2 weeks to arrive.
My project is i want to connect a sensor with arduino that can give me calories + sugar + Carbs + ph of any juice or semi juice like honey and i wan't to check if it has some additives .
my scale of Measure is between 50 ml to 100 ml (according to accuracy)
my main goal here is to study juice and not food
and then i wan't a to make a program on android and connect it with arduino through bluetooth to the show the results
i am a programmer( C# ) and i am studying electrical engineering in college
i understand this project might be hard to begin with but if you can name me the items that i need and the softwares that i need it would be very helpful ,I have an idea that i think would change the city i live in the people here need this kind of device for too many reasons and i need to make this device no matter how much time it takes or how many times i fail,Please be patient with me i am still just a beginner
My project is i want to connect a sensor with arduino that can give me calories + sugar + Carbs + ph of any juice or semi juice like honey and i wan't to check if it has some additives .
Can you please post links to these sensors? I know there are pH sensors, but I have never heard of a sensor that can measure calories, or distinguish if those calories come from carbs or non-carbs, or between calories from non-sugar-carbs. I imagine you would need a whole laboratory of equipment to do that.
Can you please post links to these sensors? I know there are pH sensors, but I have never heard of a sensor that can measure calories, or distinguish if those calories come from carbs or non-carbs, or between calories from non-sugar-carbs. I imagine you would need a whole laboratory of equipment to do that.
Actually i don't really know any but even if they don't exist i need the most information i can get from liquids
Ph sensors are common. specific gravity probably is available, since it's used in a lot of processes (beer production, for example). And one could rig up a way to measure conductivity.
But those three data points are not enough, it doesn't sound like.
You need to research and locate the sensors you want to use - that will provide some guidance as to what arduino to use and whether the project is practical.
The only way I know to do calories is to dry the sample and then combust it in a calorimeter, which is a large (due to the need for an incredibly large amount of insulation), expensive piece of laboratory equipment.
Find the sensors first. That's google research.
Ph sensors are common. specific gravity probably is available, since it's used in a lot of processes (beer production, for example). And one could rig up a way to measure conductivity.
But those three data points are not enough, it doesn't sound like.
You need to research and locate the sensors you want to use - that will provide some guidance as to what arduino to use and whether the project is practical.
The only way I know to do calories is to dry the sample and then combust it in a calorimeter, which is a large (due to the need for an incredibly large amount of insulation), expensive piece of laboratory equipment.
Ok ,So i found out that its not as easy as i thought
so i want to start small at first
First i need to separate the projects so this is the first project
i need to measure the pH level of liquids , And i need to show the level on an android device by bluetooth
i use C# so it would be helpful if i can keep using it with arduino
i didn't choose the software to make android devices yet i use a game engine called Unity i made few games + Apps using it , I used visual studio a lot in the past so i have a good background about it
suggest me anything that is in C# and compatible with arduino,If it doesn't exist then C should be ok
Colour/opacity: maybe by contructing a sensor from an ldr and an rgb led, arranged to shine through a sample of the liquid in a test tube. You would need to exclude ambient light.
As delta_G says, keep it simple for now. I suggest an lcd character display for your first attempt.