I am thinking about a motion sensing system that alerts me to movement. Like if someone or something walks in my driveway, a message plays inside in my house, and another outside. The inside one would be like "Object in driveway," and the one for outside would always be "If you are not authorized to be here, please leave immediatly. No solicitors allowed," or something similar. I am pretty sure I can do this, but I dont know is it would really be worth it. Please let me know what you think.
For any such system you have to weigh the benefits vs. the undesired side effects.
The "someone" could be a cat or other small animal. Or just some misdetection for example due to rain.
On the other side it could be a burglar and you are not at home thus leaving the whole system useless.
You may want to consult "security engineering" Security Engineering - A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems and in particular
chapter 10 "monitoring systems" Security Engineering - A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems.
If you do not want to read through the whole chapter, just read the grey boxes on "how to steal a painting". Then give your idea another thought.
No solicitors allowed
What if they're an attorney, or paralegal?
How does it tell the difference?
They know who they are... It just alerts me, and lets them know I'm watching... I'm thinking of coupling this with a cctv system... As for rain enterferance, I live in Arizona... I dont need to say more...
As for rain enterferance, I live in Arizona... I dont need to say more...
They'll just wait for the next monsoon deluge and sneak up on ya then!
Yeah... Well, what system should I use? I don't think that the girage door sensors would be practical because I can't find them anywhere for less that $100 each! Let me know if you know of any cheaper sellers... The astetics are always a plus! Also, I need to be able to get 3 identical sets...
Have you looked into the Harbor Freight Driveway Alert System?:
Fairly cheap, and should be really easy to hook up.
Are there any wired solutions? For some reason I like wires better... They give me a sense of control... No idea why... Anyways, I really would prefer to use garage door sensers, but I don't know of an inexpensive supplier...
Are there any wired solutions? For some reason I like wires better... They give me a sense of control... No idea why...
Well, maybe you could hack into one of those sensors and intercept the output prior to the RF stage?
Another possibility would be to go down to Apache Reclamation; several years back they got all the surplus stock of a personal security products company called Quorum, which was based in Phoenix, when it went out of business. Several of their products used IR sensors like that system at HF - perhaps you could find something there?
Anyways, I really would prefer to use garage door sensers, but I don't know of an inexpensive supplier...
I'm not sure what you mean by "garage door sensor"; got a link/pic? Anyhow, once again, maybe Apache Reclamation might have something...?