So recently burnt a nRF24L01 module, considering that it was directly plugged in the 3.3 v arduino pin. I have been using 2, but one has the arduino powered from a usb door and the other has the arduino mega powered by 7.4 v 1300 mA battery. Is there any way to protect it? I tried to find something, but I just can't!
How did you 'Burn' it? Vcc too high? (don't plug it into anything that will supply more than 3.3Vdc, or power it from a 3.3Vdc regulator output), or Input (MOSI, CE,,,) signal voltage too high? (Use level shifter/translator on inputs).
The voltage was always 3.3 volts pin, but I do know that when the arduino is plugged to a battery it draws more current than when it is plugged to the usb door. At a while ago I was using a arduino uno and a mega 2560 (the one with the battery) and suddenly the connection stopped working. After a while when I touched the module on the mega it was really hot. When I asked someone online, they said that there was current flowing where it was not suppose to. I do not think that the pins like MOSI have to much voltage since it is 5v tolerant.
Is there a way to avoid this?
You need to find out what you did wrong - without fully details of your setup and wiring and the sequence happened we can't
really guess.
You say the "module" on the Mega got hot. What exactly do you mean by module here?
What I mean by the module is nRF24L01 connected to the arduino mega. So the schematic was the following:
nRF24 arduino
Gnd => Gnd
Vcc => 3.3v
CE => 48
MISO => 50
MOSI => 51
SCK => 52
IRQ => none
What happened is that it was working and then it was not working anymore. I think it has to do with fact that the battery makes the arduino draw more current from the 3.3v and that must have damaged the nRF24. One more thing: how much current does the nRF24L01 needs?
It got hot most probably because it was in CMOS latch-up, presumably caused by an over-voltage on
one of its pins or the power pin, or because there was no power supplied to it and voltage was present
on one of more signal pins (phantom powering like this is a common cause of latch-up).
Ensure it has adequate 3.3V supply derived from the power to the Arduino, so it is always powered
up when the Arduino is powered. Although the inputs are "5V tolerant", their absolute max voltage is 5.25V,
which is simply too close for comfort - I'd recommend using level shifters or series resistors to limit the scope
for damage. To be 5V tolerant I'd like to see an abs-max more like 6 or 7V, its not good to fly close
to the wind.
So recently burnt a nRF24L01 module, considering that it was directly plugged in the 3.3 v arduino pin. I have been using 2, but one has the arduino powered from a usb door and the other has the arduino mega powered by 7.4 v 1300 mA battery. Is there any way to protect it? I tried to find something, but I just can't!
Did it burn? You sure it actually burned?
You mentioned mega getting hot. Is that mega still working?
And .... what's a usb door? What is it?
It's not normal for the nrf to be destroyed like that.... if it really got destroyed. Could try another nrf module and see what happens. If it happens again .... and if it happens only for the battery connected (and never occurs with another supply).... then might need to monitor battery voltage. And make sure the nrf is being supplied with 3.3 V. And monitor/log the communications between arduino and nrf.... to see if everything is behaving properly.
USB door: probably a bad translation of USB port.
USB door: probably a bad translation of USB port.
Thanks 123.