Hello all,
tried to look around internet without much success so I thought I could try here.
Found an old MP3 player, Xtreme. When connected to PC it lights up and I can read from it as memory stick, but not write or delete, can delete when I try it from the menu of the player.
But in this day and age I can listen to MP3 and radio on my cellphone so I thought I could maybe use the LCD for some Arduino project.
Problem is the display is weird.
- It is connected with some 19 pins
- with rough pixel count in paint.net it came out as 140x40 pixels... I assume it will be 128x32?
- 30mm x 12 mm dimension
Tried to identify it by serial number (2GB0707044987F) no luck
Then with number on board (MP 301A/0623 and MP3 A6-2(ALi5661P B1)) also no luck, though it offers me a lot of links for Audi A6 car with MP3 radio included...
Anyone with experience with such displays and how viable they are for Arduino projects?
(for some reason I cant attach pictures, will try different way)