Me and my team we are trying to build obstacle avoiding robot in same time it could be able to follow a signal or any other technologically that can work inside a building.
something like that without GPS
I research online and I believe the good approach will be using two antenna to detect the signal in and using logarithm to decide to move the robot left or right depending where is the strongest side at.
Unfortunately I don't have much experience or knowledge to write a code to do that, don't even know what antenna should i use or buy.
Can you please help us and give what is the best easy not expensive idea that can work and go allow the robot to avoid obstacle in same time follow a person whatever he go.
If you are just starting out, we recommend that you buy an Arduino and work your way through the examples that come with the software development package -- blink lights, read buttons, read ADC inputs, etc. These will be very important for developing your robot software.
If you are just starting out, we recommend that you buy an Arduino and work your way through the examples that come with the software development package -- blink lights, read buttons, read ADC inputs, etc. These will be very important for developing your robot software.
Hi jremington,
My point for
"I don't have much experience or knowledge to write a code to do that"
I know how to use arduino but i'm not that capable or familiar enough to use two antenna to detect a signal and decides which direction to go too.
I have the arduino and i did small project with from before, but this time im not sure what to use,
two antenna or different think
can you please recommend something to look at for us
Thank you
use two antenna to detect a signal and decides which direction to go
This problem involves radio transmitters, receivers and antennas. It is a difficult task that has nothing to do with Arduino. Consult amateur radio enthusiasts or radio engineers for a solution.
It is a difficult task that has nothing to do with Arduino.
Is there a a different way to use other than the antennas to detect the direction and the angel of the device that is transmission a signal or
maybe different way to do this task
This is a very frequent request.
And one without a clear answer.
I guess is the time to find out what is the best way to do it and how.
I'm going to need your help guys about this request please, your more experienced than me about how to approach this issue and do it
GPS works well, if you are outside, and you will learn a great deal if you manage to build something that works as well as the robot shown in the video you linked.
Start there and work your way up to more difficult projects, like radio direction finding.
GPS works well, if you are outside, and you will learn a great deal if you manage to build something that works as well as the robot shown in the video you linked.
Start there and work your way up to more difficult projects, like radio direction finding.
Yeah That's sound good, but I'm trying to build to move inside building
other suggestion please
Google for "IR beacon tracking" or "IR beacon following". There are lots of youtube videos showing robots following IR beacons. I am guessing some use IR remote control transmitters and receivers which are cheap and easy to find.
Indoor positioning is a HARD problem. Somethings are easy to do with cheap sensors, some are
not. One approach is SLAM using CV. Yes you are going to have to do the research!
A newish technique on the scene is UWB time-of-flight systems, but I don't think they are cheap
yet and you need 3 or 4 base stations to triangulate. However it looks like they can replace
GPS for indoors with good performance. Any scheme based on signal strength is a non-starter,
note, RF signal strength is very variable and depends on multipath, reflections, polarization.
Ultrasound signal strength has similar issues, but less bad (no polarization to deal with and
time-of-flight is easy).
The UWB systems do time-of-flight on the sub-nanosecond timescale, which is why they are
not ubiqitous and cheap yet (they may become so).
The main issue with indoors is everything reflects RF and sound, and there are numerous obstacles.
Computer vision is complex but it can work well for some applications - particularly autonomous
robotics, and I think this is what you will probably need.
The other way to navigate is to lay a track under the floor to follow - or even paint a stripe on
the floor (works for warehouses and such like).