OCM-320240t350-A library

Hello guys!!

Just discovered recently I love electronics :smiley:

I recently was in Shanghai SEG electronics market and bought in a hurry a 3.5" tft display for my project. Later I found out it's an OCM-320240t350-a v1.5 resistive touchscreen display with UART communication.
I looked for libraries and docummentation on the internet, and only managed to find a datasheet written in Chinese. Since I don,t understand Chinese I was in a bit of a dead end. But with the help of google translate and some arduino library tutorials, I managed to make a library to control the tft.

In case others are in the same situation I was, here is the library:

Of course there sure are lots of improvements to be done, and some of the commands don't work on the older version of tft I got.

Hope it helps somebody.

I'd like to make a suggestion:
Move the library out of that .zip file. Having it in a .zip file in the GitHub repository defeats all the wonderful version control and collaborative features of GitHub and Git. GitHub will automatically generate .zip files, which can be downloaded via the Clone or Download > Download .ZIP button, the releases page, or any commit.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Just found out how to use the github. I followed your advice and made some modifications.


Looks great. Thanks so much for your contribution to the Arduino project!