OCR and Number Plate Recognition Using Arduino?

Hello, I'm making a project for my university which requires me to make use of the Arduino (Uno or Mega) to capture a picture of a car, and use an OCR algorithm to process and print it as text and then save it to a database.

I'm relatively new to Arduino but I've learned a lot in the past few month, but I still don't know how to do this implementation. :zipper_mouth_face:

How would I write a program that would make arduino ask the camera to take a picture and then save that picture in a specific folder.


ask the camera

Your use of a definite article there confuses me.

How would I write a program that would make arduino ask the camera to take a picture and then save that picture in a specific folder.

Break this down into separate tasks and get each one working before putting them all together. The first would be to get an Arduino-compatible camera and figure out how to use it.

You need something that can run computer vision code, that's massively
beyond an Uno's capabilities, it only has 2k RAM