Please bare with me, I have limited knowledge of developing software/hardware. I am looking for some help and would appreciate any input.
I need to create an EOS that can take a stream of Odata from an aircraft sensor parse the data in json and then output though http to a camera that has an api.
Can someone advise on the necessary steps for this to work?
The camera takes GPS and orientation data from the vehicle it is housed, like a drone. The drone provides an api for the sensor data (Gimbal IMU, GPS, TIME).
This data can then be captured in the image header , the data is used to process image products for remote sensing applications.
The objective is to get the aircraft's API to talk to the Camera's api using an arduino.
The drone's api is coming from a uart plug where open data protocol is being used.
The camera has 2 options, a serial port where mavlink is supported. or the API is accessed via HTTP connection to port 80 at the camera IP address where all data is exchanged in json.
The camera has a wired port as well as a wifi access point.
OK fine. This is straying outside of my area of experience. I think it might be best to ask a moderator to move this into the "Networking, Protocols, and Devices" section.