Odd warning in one of the motor files: 'I/o' in library...


Just wanted to point out that I keep getting the following warning anytime I am compiling my files:

"WARNING: Category 'I/o' in library MKRMotorCarrier is not valid. Setting to 'Uncategorized'"

I have tried to find this in all the files but it is elusive at the moment. Do you know what file is causing this? Not an issue, just an annoyance for now :slight_smile:


The file causing the warning is named library.properties.

This issue has been fixed already so it appears you're using an outdated version of the MKRMotorCarrier library. You can update to the latest version by doing this:

  • Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries...
  • Wait for download to finish.
  • In the "Filter your search..." box, type "MKRMotorCarrier".
  • Click on "MKRMotorCarrier by Arduino".
  • Click "Update".
  • Wait for the update to finish.
  • Click "Close".