Official Arduino wifi shield vs DFrobot wifi shield V2.2

After many days of effort, I still can't get the official Arduino wifi shield,
to work as a web client, even for a simple web client example given in the wifi library in the official Arduino site! I am really fed up this wifi shield product and want to switch to other wifi shield.

I have another wifi shield from DFrobot, WiFi_Shield_V2.2_For_Arduino__SKU_TEL0047_-DFRobot. What I like most of this shield is that it has an external antenna which I believe can have a longer range.
However, I searched through the on site support document and couldn't find any library functions I can use to develop my web client application. Obviously the Arduino wifi library is not working with this shield.

May I ask if there is any wifi library available for DFrobot wifi shield? Any pros and cons in comparing this sheild with the official Arduino shield?

Pro of official shield:
Arduino team has been doing alright except for the wifi shield so time will tell if they keep their quality.
Wifi and ethernet derive from the same base classes so very interchangeable.

Con of official shield:
90-byte single print() limit
server side only stable with stock firmware and an older version of wifi library (before they included UDP). Other combinations of firmware and libraries either don't work at all or becomes unresponsive after a few connections.
Transfer speed is very slow.

I don't have seeed wifi shield.

I just got the DFRobot wifi shield v2.1. There are a bunch of Wizfi app notes at that might help you. Search WizFi 210 AP_Notes.ZIP if the link wont work. At least some talk of http data transfer modes and one of the examples seems to indicate some level of built in support! Against that I note a Git Hub project GitHub - Wiznet/WizFiShield: Wi-Fi Shield for Arduino that clearly adds much of its own stack rather than using some native mode. I can't add anything else because while I received the WIFI shield my Uno supplier has let me down (Not direct Arduino who were superb last time round).