Oil spill clean up robot

Hi there, I am creating an oil spill clean up robot for a school project! I am new to Arduino and would like some advice on what can be used in my robot. The purpose of the robot is to collect oil from the water (but needs to be hydrophobic). This oil will then remain in the robot's storage tank until full. I am looking for a sensor that will tell the robot when the tank is full and trigger a GPS system to navigate its way back to the vessel from which it was deployed, or something along these lines. Please let me know if you have any ideas on what can be used! Many thanks.

Welcome to the forum

Maybe use an analogue input to measure the resistance between 2 bare wires placed at the required height

Have a look at float switches or maybe weigh the tank

Oil is a good insulator

All you need is a high enough voltage :grin:

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