Old Blackberry screens usable with Arduino???

I have a ton of old phones mostly Blackberry that my office was just going to throw out.

(had a link to a photo here, but could't put on my first post... i'll try to add it later)

And this is only a small pile of what I have...

So, I thought, you must be able to use those for SOMETHING with the Arduino. I took a couple apart and there are indeed a bunch of pieces to use -- micromotors, speakers, tiny mics and cameras.

My question is, does anyone know if you can use the screens of these phones?

I've seen that the Nokia is a popular phone to chop up. But I'm wondering if anyone knows of a tutorial or anything that would show me how to hook up one of these Blackberry screens to my Arduino.

I'm hoping someone out there can point me in the right direction!!!!


Here is the link to the phones...

Apart from the vibration motor, speaker(s) and microphone in each one - there is probably not an awful lot you can do with them.

People use the Nokia ones all the time as the screens are easy to interface with - other mobile phone screens are generally much more difficult.

Perhaps you can find a compatible screen in some of the older phones but 50 or so vibration motors - I can think of some cool things to do with them.


Hey, thanks for the reply! I think there's a few nokias in there. Yeah, I got some work to do dissecting them all. Its going to be a good night with Guiness and a torx wrench! peace mon!

Guiness and a torx wrench!

Haha sounds like fun :wink:

Guiness and a torx wrench!

I'm guessing Guiness and a torx wrench for the first one. Guiness and a hammer for the rest of them. ;D

Some Blackberry models are programmable with Java, and have cradles with a serial port. You should check what you have before dismantling: you might be able to make some little serial terminals out of them to act as "front panels" for your Arduino projects.