I'm trying to repair an old organ. It has the name 'Nocturne Deluxe' and a tag stating 'Made in Italy'.
There is no other information anywhere - searched the web, too. The power cord has a two prong US type plug and a weird looking socket which goes to the organ. The power cord is bad and I can't locate a like one so I'm appealing to the forum for an assist. Any info, like the type name of this connector would be helpful. Pics below.
That "two spade" was also a Swiss/CH standard (assuming the unit did not travel from Japan).
Your could solder and heatshrink at the cut in the cord, just match the wire size (and put any plug-end that fits your location).
I have a C14 type panel plug. I was just hoping to avoid fussing about with the internal wiring - I don't think the C14 will work will in the hole left by the original so adding some length will likely be necessary. Thanks for the reply!