Old European power cord + receptacle

I'm trying to repair an old organ. It has the name 'Nocturne Deluxe' and a tag stating 'Made in Italy'.
There is no other information anywhere - searched the web, too. The power cord has a two prong US type plug and a weird looking socket which goes to the organ. The power cord is bad and I can't locate a like one so I'm appealing to the forum for an assist. Any info, like the type name of this connector would be helpful. Pics below.

This end plugs into the organ

This is mounted on the back panel.

Standard US connector to wall outlet

Inside of power connector

Cord plugged into organ connector

That "two spade" was also a Swiss/CH standard (assuming the unit did not travel from Japan).
Your could solder and heatshrink at the cut in the cord, just match the wire size (and put any plug-end that fits your location).

This web site does not include legacy outlets...

I have a C14 type panel plug. I was just hoping to avoid fussing about with the internal wiring - I don't think the C14 will work will in the hole left by the original so adding some length will likely be necessary. Thanks for the reply!

You probably know this, but just so it is said; I would triple-shrink the assembly.

  1. Heatshrink each individual wire solder joint (abutting the plug body, overlaping wire coating).
  2. Heatshrink the pair of wires (abutting the plug body, bonding both wires)
  3. Heatshrink wire bundle to the plug body (overlap body, to reduce stress on the new connection).

Is there a possibility of changing the chassis male jack to something more standard ? :thinking:


Wire the cord permanently into the chassis ?

I have a C14 I can use but that will, I think, necessitate splicing in some new wire internally to make up the distance.

I considered that but wanted to keep the original concept of a detachable cord.

Good advice! Now, where's my shrink tube?

Your neighbo(u)rhood tinker (free!), or Saint Amazon. US$8 (as low as US$4 for black, 100 pieces).

Thanks. Added to my Amazon list. But, I'm sure I've got some around here somewhere. :thinking:

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