It contains the same library The error that I get is
c:\Users\Wim\Documents\Arduino\libraries\LiquidCrystal\I2CIO.cpp:35:10: fatal error: ../Wire/Wire.h: No such file or directory
#include <../Wire/Wire.h>
I fixed that by changing it to #include <Wire.h>
Next I took the phi_prompt_example_string
example and compiled it. I had to change a couple of lines; see below (marked with sterretje
// Enter a string with phi_prompt for Arduino Phi-2 shield:
_______.___________..______ __ .__ __. _______
/ | || _ \ | | | \ | | / _____|
| (----`---| |----`| |_) | | | | \| | | | __
\ \ | | | / | | | . ` | | | |_ |
.----) | | | | |\ \----.| | | |\ | | |__| |
|_______/ |__| | _| `._____||__| |__| \__| \______|
#define lcd_rows 2
#define lcd_columns 16
//The following button pins apply to phi-1 and phi-2 shields. Please make appropriate modification for your own setup.
// For phi-1 shield btn_r is 3. For phi-2 shield btn_r is 4
// sterretje, changed to uppercase last character
#define btn_U 5
#define btn_D 10
#define btn_L 11
#define btn_R 4
#define btn_B 14
#define btn_A 15
#define total_buttons 6
// LCD pin setting
// For phi-1 shield LCD_D7 is 4. For phi-2 shield LCD_D7 is 3
#define LCD_RS 8
#define LCD_EN 9
#define LCD_D4 7
#define LCD_D5 6
#define LCD_D6 2
#define LCD_D7 3
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <phi_interfaces.h>
#include <phi_prompt.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(LCD_RS, LCD_EN, LCD_D4, LCD_D5, LCD_D6, LCD_D7); // Create the lcd object
char mapping[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; // This is a list of names for each button.
// sterretje, changed to uppercase last character
byte pins[] = {btn_U, btn_D, btn_L, btn_R, btn_D, btn_A}; // The digital pins connected to the 6 buttons.
phi_button_groups my_btns(mapping, pins, total_buttons);
phi_serial_keypads debug_keypad(&Serial, 9600);
multiple_button_input* keypads[] = {&my_btns, &debug_keypad, 0};
char up_keys[] = {1, 0}; ///< All keys that act as the up key are listed here.
char down_keys[] = {2, 0}; ///< All keys that act as the down key are listed here.
char left_keys[] = {3, 0}; ///< All keys that act as the left key are listed here.
char right_keys[] = {4, 0}; ///< All keys that act as the right key are listed here.
char enter_keys[] = {5, 0}; ///< All keys that act as the enter key are listed here.
char escape_keys[] = {6, 0}; ///< All keys that act as the escape key are listed here.
char* function_keys[] = {up_keys, down_keys, left_keys, right_keys, enter_keys, escape_keys}; ///< All function key names are gathered here fhr phi_prompt.
void setup()
lcd.begin(lcd_columns, lcd_rows);
init_phi_prompt(&lcd, keypads, function_keys, lcd_columns, lcd_rows, '~'); // Supply the liquid crystal object, input keypads, and function key names. Also supply the column and row of the lcd, and indicator as '>'. You can also use '\x7e', which is a right arrow.
void loop()
int result;
phi_prompt_struct myTextInput; // This is the structure you will use to invoke library function input_panel.
char file_name[] = "AAAAAAAA.TXT"; // This is the buffer that will store the content of the text panel.
myTextInput.ptr.msg = file_name; // Assign the text buffer address
myTextInput.low.c = 'A'; // Text panel valid input starts with character 'A'.
myTextInput.high.c = 'Z'; // Text panel valid input ends with character 'Z'.
myTextInput.width = 12; // Length of the input panel is 12 characters.
myTextInput.col = 2; // Display input panel at column 2
myTextInput.row = 1; // Display input panel at row 1
myTextInput.option = 1; // Option 1 incluess 0-9 as valid characters. Option 0, default, option 1 include 0-9 as valid inputs.
lcd.clear(); // Clear the lcd
lcd.print("File name:"); // Prompt user for input
if (input_panel(&myTextInput) != -1) // input_panel stores user choice in file_name.
lcd.print("Your choice was:"); // Display the user choice one more time
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // Display the list at column 2 row 1.
lcd.print(file_name); // Recall the text entered by the user.
lcd.print("You pressed ESC");
This compiles (with a whole stack of warnings).
I'm not sure about the 20x4; I think it should work but I don't have a display like that.