Also, WHAT screen do you have? post a link to the datasheet.
you are also missing
The oled screen is obviously connected through i2c ports not only to gnd and 3.3v
Now that i put display.display(); in the setup it stopped displaying the static noise and started displaying adafruit industries logo but its still not printing my string of characters
Run all the Adafruit_SSD1306 library examples first. Before you even think of writing your own code.
Choose the example that is nearest to your project requirements.
Save the example to your project name.
Adapt the code to suit your needs in small stages. Test at every step.
You will soon see how the library functions work. And how the logic "flows".
Drawing a FlowChart on paper is a good design strategy.
Incidentally, you need display() whenever you want to show the new picture. e.g. at the end of loop()
And whenever you want to print text, you must setCursor() to keep the text on the screen. Otherwise it would soon get "printed" off the bottom of the screen.
I assume the <splash.h> contains the Adafruit logo. So teh logo is dsiplayed and then the sketch fails. Very interesting!
The U8g2 lib provides more opportunity to run SSD1306 OLEDS than the Adafruit library does. I suggest here that you run some tests with u8g2.