Hello there people, i need an advice here.
I'm looking to make a Raycaster in Arduino similar to the one of this video
he made it using an OLED with SPI interface. the code for it is free so i downloaded, he stated there the exact model (which is Samsung) and controller, but i'm unable to find to buy that specific OLED Model.
i found some alternatives to sell over the web and i'd like to know if those LCDs/OLEDs have the same power to achieve that Raycasting with the performance that is in the video. i'm no expert in the hardware area so i'm not sure if the performance is more to do with the ATMEGA Controller than the OLED itself. the videos author also stated that even though SPI is regarded as slow for displays, the OLED thus being 128x128 is able to draw at >30fps.
Here is the List of the ones i found:
this next ones doesnt appear to have and SPI interface, so how do i wire them to arduino?
ANY help is appreciated, thanks in advance.