OLED is not playing well with nano

I'm building the second of pair of identical devices. They have different OLEDs since it's what I have around, one works and one doesn't.

There are the two displays:
Doesn't Work

The displays are wired identically, and I can swap the two displays and get the same results. The "doesn't work" OLED plays fine if I run the code on an Arduino UNO but not with a Nano.

If I run the I2C Scanner code on the nano, it does find the display. Am I missing something here?

Are your UNO and Nano running at the same voltage (5V)? If you put 3.3v into the OLED's 3.3v regulator, it may not give stable results. If the both displays work on the UNO, then there's probably nothing wrong with them. Slight variations in the power circuitry of the 2 different vendors' parts can give results like you're seeing. If I need one specific part for a project, I usually buy 3 at a time - in case of duds (I've gotten a few) and future projects to not have to wait weeks to receive a new one.