Hi everyone,
I have a 128x64 i2c oled display and I've been experimenting with the examples provided with the u8glib and I have problem with the menu example included in the library.
When connected it's working good, but I need to be able to access sub-menus when the first menu is selected.
I'm using a rotary encoder for shifting through the menu items, and I'm gonna need a external button ( this rotary encoder doesn't include a button ) who will be used to enter in the menu items.
Here is the code
#include "U8glib.h"
//U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE); // I2C / TWI
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NO_ACK); // Display which does not send ACK
#define KEY_NONE 0
#define KEY_PREV 1
#define KEY_NEXT 2
#define KEY_SELECT 3
#define KEY_BACK 4
// DOGS102 shield configuration values
//uint8_t uiKeyPrev = 2;
//uint8_t uiKeyNext = 4;
//uint8_t uiKeySelect = 5;
//uint8_t uiKeyBack = 3;
// DOGM128-Shield configuration values
// DOGXL60-Shield configuration values
uint8_t uiKeyPrev = 3;
uint8_t uiKeyNext = 1;
uint8_t uiKeySelect = 2;
uint8_t uiKeyBack = 0;
uint8_t uiKeyCodeFirst = KEY_NONE;
uint8_t uiKeyCodeSecond = KEY_NONE;
uint8_t uiKeyCode = KEY_NONE;
void uiSetup(void) {
// configure input keys
pinMode(uiKeyPrev, INPUT); // set pin to input
digitalWrite(uiKeyPrev, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors
pinMode(uiKeyNext, INPUT); // set pin to input
digitalWrite(uiKeyNext, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors
pinMode(uiKeySelect, INPUT); // set pin to input
digitalWrite(uiKeySelect, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors
pinMode(uiKeyBack, INPUT); // set pin to input
digitalWrite(uiKeyBack, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors
void uiStep(void) {
uiKeyCodeSecond = uiKeyCodeFirst;
if ( digitalRead(uiKeyPrev) == LOW )
uiKeyCodeFirst = KEY_PREV;
else if ( digitalRead(uiKeyNext) == LOW )
uiKeyCodeFirst = KEY_NEXT;
else if ( digitalRead(uiKeySelect) == LOW )
uiKeyCodeFirst = KEY_SELECT;
else if ( digitalRead(uiKeyBack) == LOW )
uiKeyCodeFirst = KEY_BACK;
uiKeyCodeFirst = KEY_NONE;
if ( uiKeyCodeSecond == uiKeyCodeFirst )
uiKeyCode = uiKeyCodeFirst;
uiKeyCode = KEY_NONE;
#define MENU_ITEMS 4
char *menu_strings[MENU_ITEMS] = { "First Line", "Second Item", "3333333", "abcdefg" };
uint8_t menu_current = 0;
uint8_t menu_redraw_required = 0;
uint8_t last_key_code = KEY_NONE;
void drawMenu(void) {
uint8_t i, h;
u8g_uint_t w, d;
h = u8g.getFontAscent()-u8g.getFontDescent();
w = u8g.getWidth();
for( i = 0; i < MENU_ITEMS; i++ ) {
d = (w-u8g.getStrWidth(menu_strings[i]))/2;
if ( i == menu_current ) {
u8g.drawBox(0, i*h+1, w, h);
u8g.drawStr(d, i*h, menu_strings[i]);
void updateMenu(void) {
if ( uiKeyCode != KEY_NONE && last_key_code == uiKeyCode ) {
last_key_code = uiKeyCode;
switch ( uiKeyCode ) {
case KEY_NEXT:
if ( menu_current >= MENU_ITEMS )
menu_current = 0;
menu_redraw_required = 1;
case KEY_PREV:
if ( menu_current == 0 )
menu_current = MENU_ITEMS;
menu_redraw_required = 1;
void setup() {
// rotate screen, if required
// u8g.setRot180();
uiSetup(); // setup key detection and debounce algorithm
menu_redraw_required = 1; // force initial redraw
void loop() {
uiStep(); // check for key press
if ( menu_redraw_required != 0 ) {
do {
} while( u8g.nextPage() );
menu_redraw_required = 0;
updateMenu(); // update menu bar
The solution could be using the menu_current variable, but I just don't know how to form it all. If anyone has made something like this or has a suggestion please reply.
Thanks a lot.