Oled was not dreclared in this scope?

here is the bit of code where i get the error message "'oled' was not declared in this scope"

void draw(void)
oled.drawPixel(11, 44);
oled.drawPixel(13, 44);
oled.drawLine(12, 28, 12, 60);
oled.drawLine(12, 60, 128, 60);
oled.drawLine(12, 60, 128, 60);


oled.drawStr(0, 10, "hello");

is it because my library is outdated mabye im using U8g2lib.h with ssd1306

Do you have a question?

There's supposed to be a line in the sketch, usually somewhere near the beginning, where you declare oled.

You either did it wrong, or omitted it completely.

If you share the rest of your code people will be able to give you advice.

here is the bit of code where i get the error message "'oled' was not declared in this scope"

Well oled definitely isn't declared in the code snippet you chose to post.

From the error message I'd have to guess that it isn't declared anywhere else either. So you just need to declare it. Glad I could help.
