Olimex EMG/EKG Shield (need help)

I have been working on a project that involves using human muscle to power up a relay which in turn activates a solenoid that contracts air muscles and flexes a robot arm.

Currently everything is going ok, but I have recently purchased the Olimex EKG/EMG shield for Arduino. I am using the ELEGOO board which is very similar to the R3

I need help with the setup: All I want is for the board to recognise that I am flexing my muscles, and print this in the serial monitor. I have read the instruction manual and searched online for solutions but there is nobody who is showing a step by step guide on this. so far I have been able to supply power to the shield, and get a few readings from it, but they were all false.

All relevant material:
Olimex Shield: SHIELD-EKG-EMG - Open Source Hardware Board

Olimex Manual: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Duino/Shields/SHIELD-EKG-EMG/resources/SHIELD-EKG-EMG.pdf

My arduino: https://www.amazon.com/ELEGOO-Board-ATmega328P-ATMEGA16U2-Compliant/dp/B01EWOE0UU