a.1) Straight TTL Serial isn't going to help you with 10m cable... (Why does a clock have 10m data cable?)
Actually, it works fine. I used 57600 bps first, but then went back to 4800 so both Arduino's could keep up. The main Arduino is in my living room, where I can set the correct alarm time and break off the noise. The other, "remote" Arduino is over my bed showing the time and enabling me to switch its display on and off.
The first version of this alarm clock contained 1 Arduino, with a much more expensive (13 pin) 10m cable, which didn't work reliably. So far, this works better. Apart from the detail I'm struggling with now.
b.1) You have to disable Serial on the non-reset Arduino
I did that, when I realized that the power from TX/RD was used...
b.2) Why can't you just make that a serial command?
I suspected that wouldn't work, and decided to do it by simply cutting the power. Actually I could make it a serial command now, or better: not reset the remote side at all, but I need to fix the crashing problem anyway (see below).
b.3) How can an alarm clock overflow??????!!!!!
Because millis() overflows after about 50 days, and I wanted to be sure it wouldn't mess up anything then. The easiest solution was to reset the whole Arduino after each team the alarm is rung.
The trouble I'm having now, is that the remote Arduino resets perfectly right when I'm using the USB 5v but crashes in a matter of microseconds when I'm using 12v. (The main 12v power is attached in the living room, and shared with the remote Arduino by the cable.)
Next, in the coming half hour or so, I'm going to try using a bigger elco for buffering the power on the remote side...