one button for on off & blink

Hi guys,

All weekend I`m trying to get my head around how to make this work the way I like to, so I can move next part of the project, but no luck what so ever. I will try get some tips or guidelines here.
In this code that I copied in, Im trying to achieve a function that, when button pressed SW1, SW1_Led comes on and brushless motor start spinning at set rpm. then SW1 pressed again SW1_Led goes off and brushless motor goes off too. and 3rd function I need then SW1 button held for more then second SW1_Led will blink and then enables function to increase or decrease speed of brushless motor.
So issue what I have with current code - When press and hold SW1 Im able to change motor speed but as soon button is released status is changed to on or off and SW1_led not blinking simple because I can get my head around where and how to change the code to make it work.
This code will be used on different buttons and led to adjust setting and values of different outputs on same code.

int SW1 = 8;
int SW1_LED = 13; 
int SW1_LED_state = LOW;
int SW1_LED_reading;
int SW1_LED_previous = HIGH;
long time = 0;
long debounce = 500;

float RPM = 1500;        //Motor starting RPM
int SW_POS_1 =2;         //Button UP
int SW_POS_2 =3;         // Button DOWN 
int STATE=1;             //Part off ESC
int Arming_Time=0;       //Part off ESC
int ESC = 9;              //Part off ESC digital pin

int Pulse=1000;           //Pulse in ms Part off ESC
int maxRot = 1850;        //Motor starting RPM
int minRot = 1300;        //Motor starting RPM

void setup()

  pinMode(SW1, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(SW1_LED, OUTPUT);
for (Arming_Time = 0; Arming_Time < 500; Arming_Time += 1)


void loop()

  SW1_LED_reading = digitalRead(SW1); //SW1= HIGH (OFF)

  if (SW1_LED_reading == HIGH && SW1_LED_previous == LOW && millis() - time > debounce ) //if Button Pressed & LED is off & pressed londer then debounce value  
    if (SW1_LED_state == HIGH)
      SW1_LED_state = LOW;
      SW1_LED_state = HIGH;

    time = millis();    

  digitalWrite(SW1_LED, SW1_LED_state);
  SW1_LED_previous = SW1_LED_reading;

  int SW_POS_1 = digitalRead(2);
  int SW_POS_2 = digitalRead(3);

  if (SW_POS_1 == LOW && SW1_LED_reading == LOW)
   RPM = constrain (RPM + 10, minRot, maxRot);
  if (SW_POS_2 == LOW && SW1_LED_reading == LOW)
  RPM =  constrain (RPM - 10, minRot, maxRot);


Solve one thing at a time. First make a function that returns the button’s state as either Pressed, Released or Held. Next use that logic to control your led or whatever else you have hooked up. Finally, for things to run smoothly, get rid of all those delays and look at the example code “Blink Without Delay” provided in the Arduino Example library.

look for debounce libraries, and button libraries, that handle that key-down thing. I have encountered them, but I can't say where.

There are a lot of libraries for buttons here where you might be able to find one to do what you are looking for.

Long-press and short-press are very common requirements for buttons. You can find libraries to do that easily.

Entering into a speed-adjustment mode and exiting that mode won't be in the library. You have to do that part. So then your button events of short and long must look at what mode you are in before carrying out any action.