Hello !
I'm doing a project with an RN52 audio codec bluetooth module. The goal of the RN52 module is to convert audio data from the jack to the bluetooth module, and vice versa.
The link to the RN52 datasheet : http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/rn-52-ds-1.0r.pdf
The link to the circuit diagram : Capture hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
When the analog output of the RN52 (SPKR_R+, R-, L+, L-) are sending audio data, I don't want it to go the the analog input of the RN52 (MIC_R+, R-, L+, L-), but only to the port jack.
I don't know what's going to happen if at the same time the RN52 send audio data from its analog output pins and receive it from its analog input pins.
What can I do to prevent it from happening ?