One power switch for two boards

I have a project I'm working on using an Arduino Nano and an adafruit soundboard, each powered through the board's USB port to their own USB port on a single battery bank. It works great but currently the only way to turn the project off when not in use is to unplug each of the USBs. I'm wondering how to use a single switch to simultaneously power both devices on/off.

My idea is to have one 5v lead out of each USB in the power bank run through a double pole single throw switch with one output going into each board, leaving the grounds of each USB port directly to the boards. (pardon my terrible mouse drawing)

I'm still learning so I thought I would run it past some more experienced people on this forum in case this would damage my devices or if there is a better way approach.

That would work.

You could use a USB Y cable and then a SPST switch.

What ever makes you happy.

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Not at all! Well done! A lot better post then comparable posts using a poetry descriptions only! It explains the matter perfectly.
Using one port of the Power Bank is advised as long as the need for current is met.
Some (many?) power banks switch off due to too little current flowing. The port delivering low current might be doing it.

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thank you :slight_smile:
I left it running for a couple days and the power bank never switched off even when using two separate ports so I should be good, thanks for the tip

Ah this is a better idea since I already have some SPST switches
could I make the same thing like so since I already have some male and female pieces too?

That's really good news! You're safe with that powering.
I had to use some tricks to keep my Power Bank not switching off. That happened after some 10 - 20 seconds without tricking it.....

Clearly, yes.

cool, thanks a ton

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