I am facing some problem in communication between Xbees. I want to use 1 arduino board with XBee Shield and XBee on transceiver(just require one way communication) while 1 XBee with sparkfum connected to PC through USB. My receiver is connected to usb port with sparkfun...I will be processing my com port data by initializing com further in VB. But here When I confirm configuration through X-CTU by connecting XBees respectively to sparkfun to check my configuration, it woks fine for both of XBees but when I tried to check through X-CTU by connecting XBee->XBee Shield ->arduino->USB, it not connects. I guess transmission Part is not working. can ANY please guide me?
I have got two XBee Transceivers in total from both them are 4214a-XBee . 1 with RF antenna while other has a chip antenna on it.
Sorry for not including more details first time. I meant with Sparkfun's USB interface for XBee so that it can be programmed easily and can be connected to PC using serial port . I want to use combination of Rx-XBee with this device which is directly connected to PC on USB port device can be seen here SparkFun XBee Explorer USB - WRL-11812 - SparkFun Electronics
Connection to Sparkfun USB Interface Explorer is very easy. XBee pins all sits on same position to female connections at this device.
I have programmed XBees connecting espectively to this Sparkfun USB Interfce (also called XBee Adapter) following procedure in below mentioned defining my own IDs Link http://arduino.cc/it/Guide/ArduinoXbeeShield
On Windows 7, I am using X-CTU Software. After adding ports as can be seen in below mentioned link, I am testing my ports in such a combination respectively, where transceiver XBee is connected to XBee Shield aand Programmed arduino and Receiver XBee is connected to Xbee sparkfun adapter and from a different usb port to pc. When I use combination of Receiver, it successfully completes test while when I confirm my transceiver combination, it gives error "can;t communicate to port".
I have XBee Pro Shield . No i don't want to disturb you sir. I just need help to configure if you can please.
communication between my (4214A-S1 XBee Receiver+USB Adapter-Sparkfun) is ok...I have checked this communication by connecting it through USB and Testing in X-CTU version
when I do COM Test for my other combination (ArduinoUNO+XBee Pro Shield+S1 XBee) through X-CTU software, it gives me an error message that unable to communicate with com port and
when I do COM Test for my other combination (ArduinoUNO+XBee Pro Shield+S1 XBee) through X-CTU software, it gives me an error message that unable to communicate with com port and
Is that with the AtMega328 chip in place or removed? The test requires that the chip be removed.
Very, very carefully. Pry each end up a little bit at a time.
it can break
Oh, yes, it can.
On the other hand, it isn't really necessary. If you simply swap XBees, and X-CTU can communicate with them both (on the USB device), you won't learn any more by reading the XBee via the empty Arduino with XBee shield.
Program the Arduino to simply echo everything it reads from the serial port.
Power the Arduino (with chip) with XBee shield and XBee, using the USB cable. Connect the other XBee to the USB adapter. Connect that to the PC. Start X-CTU and select the Range Test tab. Run the test, to confirm that the data gets to the XBee on the USB device. Verify that the LED on the USB device blink appropriately. The XBee on the USB device should then send the data over the air to the other XBee, which should cause the LEDs in the shield to blink. The XBee should put the data on the TX pin, where the Arduino should put the same data on the RX pin, for the XBee to send over the air back to the USB device's XBee, which should send it back to X-CTU.
i used putty for software ... ID of Module 1 ATMY1000, ID Module it communicating with ATDL1001 and PAN ID ATID1111
ID of Module 2 ATMY1001, ID of Module it communicating with ATDL1000 then PAN ID ATDI1111
thanks for help sir i have solved my issue Problem was solved by adding new versions of firmware in X-CTU and selecting proper steps configuration of XBees in X-CTU again. now moving to main part of my project... can you tell me any code in arduino using ADC where i can input sound to convert in quantized levels say 255..?