I have uploaded this sketch for a neopixel vu meter with a 1 mtr 60 pixel strip to my Arduino uno. When I run the sketch with a 1 mtr strip connected, only 29 pixels light up, yet it is: #define N_PIXELS 60 // Number of pixels in strand.
Can anyone please tell me why only 29 pixels light up when all 60 pixels light up using a different sketch.
type onclude <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#define N_PIXELS 60 // Number of pixels in strand
#define MIC_PIN A5 // Microphone is attached to this analog pin
#define LED_PIN 6 // NeoPixel LED strand is connected to this pin ## 1000 for classroom
#define SAMPLE_WINDOW 70// Sample window for average level //was 70
#define NOISE 12 // Noise/hum/interference in mic signal
#define PEAK_HANG 24 //Time of pause before peak dot falls
#define PEAK_FALL 0 //Rate of falling peak dot
#define INPUT_FLOOR 24 //Lower range of analogRead input 10(on USB ) 25 (on battery)
#define INPUT_CEILING 85 //Max range of analogRead input, the lower the value the more sensitive 65 (on Bat) is sensitive) (85 may be ok)
int csPinRED = 8; // RED DISPLAY
int REDcycles = 0;
int AMBERcycles = 0;
byte peak = 16; // Peak level of column; used for falling dots
unsigned int sample;
byte dotCount = 0; //Frame counter for peak dot
byte dotHangCount = 0; //Frame counter for holding peak dot
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(N_PIXELS, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
float fscale( float originalMin, float originalMax, float newBegin, float
newEnd, float inputValue, float curve){
float OriginalRange = 0;
float NewRange = 0;
float zeroRefCurVal = 0;
float normalizedCurVal = 0;
float rangedValue = 0;
boolean invFlag = 0;
// condition curve parameter
// limit range
if (curve > 10) curve = 10;
if (curve < -10) curve = -10;
curve = (curve * -.1) ; // - invert and scale - this seems more intuitive - postive numbers give more weight to high end on output
curve = pow(10, curve); // convert linear scale into lograthimic exponent for other pow function
Serial.println(curve * 100, DEC); // multply by 100 to preserve resolution
// Check for out of range inputValues
if (inputValue < originalMin) {
inputValue = originalMin;
if (inputValue > originalMax) {
inputValue = originalMax;
// Zero Refference the values
OriginalRange = originalMax - originalMin;
if (newEnd > newBegin){
NewRange = newEnd - newBegin;
NewRange = newBegin - newEnd;
invFlag = 1;
zeroRefCurVal = inputValue - originalMin;
normalizedCurVal = zeroRefCurVal / OriginalRange; // normalize to 0 - 1 float
// Check for originalMin > originalMax - the math for all other cases i.e. negative numbers seems to work out fine
if (originalMin > originalMax ) {
return 0;
if (invFlag == 0){
rangedValue = (pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * NewRange) + newBegin;
else // invert the ranges
rangedValue = newBegin - (pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * NewRange);
return rangedValue;
//Used to draw a line between two points of a given color
void drawLine(uint8_t from, uint8_t to, uint32_t c) {
strip.setPixelColor(28, 255, 0, 0);
strip.setPixelColor(27, 255, 0, 0);
strip.setPixelColor(26, 255, 0, 0);
strip.setPixelColor(25, 255, 0, 0);
strip.setPixelColor(24, 255, 0, 0);
strip.setPixelColor(23, 255, 0, 0);
strip.setPixelColor(22, 255, 0, 0);
strip.setPixelColor(21, 255,69,0);
strip.setPixelColor(20, 255,69,0);
strip.setPixelColor(19, 255,69,0);
strip.setPixelColor(18, 255,69,0);
strip.setPixelColor(17, 255,69,0);
strip.setPixelColor(16, 255,69,0);
strip.setPixelColor(15, 255,69,0);
strip.setPixelColor(14, 255,69,0);
strip.setPixelColor(13, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(12, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(11, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(10, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(9, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(8, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(7, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(6, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(5, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(4, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(3, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(2, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(1, 0,255,0);
strip.setPixelColor(0, 0,255,0);
uint8_t fromTemp;
if (from > to) {
fromTemp = from;
from = to;
to = fromTemp;
for(int i=from; i<=to; i++){
strip.setPixelColor(i, c);
void setup()
// This is only needed on 5V Arduinos (Uno, Leonardo, etc.).
// Connect 3.3V to mic AND TO AREF ON ARDUINO and enable this
// line. Audio samples are 'cleaner' at 3.3V.
// analogReference(EXTERNAL);
// Serial.begin(9600);
strip.show(); // Initialize all pixels to 'off'
pinMode(csPinRED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(csPinRED, HIGH); //By default, don't be selecting OpenSegment
pinMode(csPinAMBER, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(csPinAMBER, HIGH);
Serial.println("OpenSegment Example Code");
SPI.begin(); //Start the SPI hardware
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV64); //Slow down the master a bit
//Send the reset command to the display - this forces the cursor to return to the beginning of the display
digitalWrite(csPinRED, LOW); //Drive the RED CS pin low to select OpenSegment
digitalWrite(csPinAMBER, LOW); //Drive the AMBER CS pin low to select OpenSegment
SPI.transfer('v'); //Reset command
void loop()
unsigned long startMillis= millis(); // Start of sample window
float peakToPeak = 0; // peak-to-peak level
unsigned int signalMax = 200;
unsigned int signalMin = 1024;
unsigned int c, y;
// collect data for length of sample window (in mS)
while (millis() - startMillis < SAMPLE_WINDOW)
sample = analogRead(MIC_PIN);
if (sample < 1024) // toss out spurious readings
if (sample > signalMax)
signalMax = sample; // save just the max levels
else if (sample < signalMin)
signalMin = sample; // save just the min levels
peakToPeak = signalMax - signalMin; // max - min = peak-peak amplitude
// Serial.println(peakToPeak);
//Scale the input logarithmically instead of linearly
c = fscale(INPUT_FLOOR, INPUT_CEILING, strip.numPixels(), 0, peakToPeak, 2);
if(c < peak) {
peak = c; // Keep dot on top
dotHangCount = 0; // make the dot hang before falling
if (c <= strip.numPixels()) { // Fill partial column with off pixels
drawLine(strip.numPixels(), strip.numPixels()-c, strip.Color(0, 0, 0));
//if (millis() - startMillis > 70){
if (c < 8 ){
REDcycles++; //Counting RED cycles! Yay!
Serial.print("RED Cycle: ");
spiSendValueRED(REDcycles); //Send the four characters to the display
delay(1); //If we remove the slow debug statements, we need a very small delay to prevent flickering
if(c > 8 && c < 16){
AMBERcycles++; //Counting AMBER cycles!
Serial.println("amber"); //Serial.println(redambercounter);
Serial.print("AMBER Cycle: ");
spiSendValueAMBER(AMBERcycles); //Send the four characters to the display
delay(1); //If we remove the slow debug statements, we need a very small delay to prevent flickering
// Frame based peak dot animation
if(dotHangCount > PEAK_HANG) { //Peak pause length
if(++dotCount >= PEAK_FALL) { //Fall rate
dotCount = 0;
else {
//Given a number, spiSendValue chops up an integer into four values and sends them out over spi
void spiSendValueRED(int tempCyclesRED)
digitalWrite(csPinRED, LOW); //Drive the CS pin low to select OpenSegment
SPI.transfer(tempCyclesRED / 1000); //Send the left most digit
tempCyclesRED %= 1000; //Now remove the left most digit from the number we want to display
SPI.transfer(tempCyclesRED / 100);
tempCyclesRED %= 100;
SPI.transfer(tempCyclesRED / 10);
tempCyclesRED %= 10;
SPI.transfer(tempCyclesRED); //Send the right most digit
digitalWrite(csPinRED, HIGH); //Release the CS pin to de-select OpenSegment
void spiSendValueAMBER(int tempCyclesAMBER)
digitalWrite(csPinAMBER, LOW); //Drive the CS pin low to select OpenSegment
SPI.transfer(tempCyclesAMBER / 1000); //Send the left most digit
tempCyclesAMBER %= 1000; //Now remove the left most digit from the number we want to display
SPI.transfer(tempCyclesAMBER / 100);
tempCyclesAMBER %= 100;
SPI.transfer(tempCyclesAMBER / 10);
tempCyclesAMBER %= 10;
SPI.transfer(tempCyclesAMBER); //Send the right most digit
digitalWrite(csPinAMBER, HIGH); //Release the CS pin to de-select OpenSegment
r paste code here