Only one speaker working on Lilypad Mp3


I am using a lilypad mp3 and running the code that is uploaded by default (trigger.ino). It is supposed to work only by connecting the components. I am using this exact circuit but the sound is only playing throughout the left speaker:

I've interchanged the speakers, tried a new full set of speakers, tried a new Lilypad mp3 but the issue remains. Even I used the extra pins located over the regular ones as is showed in this photo:

I tried with the headphones to verify the MP3 chip and the sound files and it's possible to hear the audio in both channels.

any ideas of what is happening?


Trigger.ino (10.6 KB)

I tried with the headphones to verify the MP3 chip and the sound files and it's possible to hear the audio in both channels.

So that rules out any software issue on the board.

Even I used the extra pins located over the regular ones as is showed in this photo:

This line is worrying. It implies to me that you have not soldered the wires in place and have just pushed them through the holes. We have see several people try this on other projects and it is just not reliable. Most people would never dream of doing this, so if you have done I would try soldering the wires.

Looking at the schematic, as it is the right speaker that is giving you problems the only other thing that might be wrong is a bad soldered joint on the filter inductors L1 & L2. A high resistance here could reduce the drive to the speaker.