I am looking for an opamp/instrumentation amplifier with very low input/output offset. I intend to amplify some millivolts (about 5-50mV) with it to a gain of 100. Can any one suggest me a suitable opamp or instrumentation amplifier?
Thank you.
DigiKey.com has 17 pages of amplifiers with input offset voltage under 1 microvolt. Perhaps you can use the parametric search feature to narrow down the choices:
I would use a INA128 from Texas Instruments.
Simple to use, one resistor sets the gain, and it comes in a handy 8 pin DIL package.
I use Tl081/LM/LF358 J-FET amps a lot.
High impedance input, fast slew rate, wide bandwidth.
I use them for ultrasonic receiver amps and things like piezio elements.
If you want to keep the noise down, use 2 X10 stages as opposed to 1 X100.
I use Tl081/LM/LF358 J-FET amps a lot.
High impedance input, fast slew rate, wide bandwidth.http://www.play.com.br/datasheet/TL081.pdf
I use them for ultrasonic receiver amps and things like piezio elements.
If you want to keep the noise down, use 2 X10 stages as opposed to 1 X100.
The OP wants a very low input offset instrumentation opamp - 15mV is 4 orders of magnitude off the state of the art!
The OP wants a very low input offset instrumentation opamp - 15mV is 4 orders of magnitude off the state of the art!
How many millivolts you getting out of an ultrasonic transducer or piezio element?
If the OP is looking to to do EEG or ECG they would know enough to not be asking here!
If the OP posted more details it'd be easier to answer the query...
umm, is this the bit where I say,
smug dipwad?
CMOS chopper-stabilized opamps go down to microvolt range. For example LTC2050