I thought about doing this in a PM, but i rather liked to make this public as it may be interestering for others to read as well, especially since it may resemble the opinion of others, too.
You may seem to get the impression of this community being rude, unlikable and maybe in way evil as we treat you in every posting like someone who has no idea of anything at all.
The main reason for this is, that this community, one of the few programming communities, where the users dont act like godlike untouchables, is build on the basis of 'help and get helped'.
If you watch closely you will see that every member here has questions and answers and everyone is ready to share them. Yet you seem just to have questions. Granted, you are new to this, as we all have been, and so you cant be very helpful and that is no problem at all! But what i would like to ask you is to be at least part of the community by sharing an even deeper going fundament - try to be nice(!) and try to ask for help in a way we can understand it, so we can answer your request as fast and also as good as somehow possible.
See, if we can not even tell what you want how are we supposed to help? Imagine to be in our position - a newbie comes to the board and all information you get is 'it aint work'. Maybe you get some malformated code and a few hand drawn pics. Sometimes even an excuse that you didnt give a damn about the spelling as you were to lazy for it. Dont you think that tjose who are about to help you are about to get 'fed up'? Do you think they will take their time to look into your problem or at all read another posting of you ever again? I found it rather hard to follow most of your posts especially when i came to the point of finding out what you actually want.
So, please think about what you write a few more times if needed, state as precise as possible what does not work and what all is about. If we wont find an immediate answer to the main question we can find ways of circumventing the problem but ultimativly we need to know what all is about.
Oh, and please dont bump your topics, there are days it takes time for people to answer and you dont make yourself look better if you try to force people into answering your (maybe) unanswerable request...
Finally i would like to say one more thing. You may be young and so i dont expect an 11yr old to act fully mature, but you can try - especially where language is concearned. Slang is not considered being precise in terms of technical problems, so, if possible, try not to use it.
Sorry for doing such a post, but i guess that if you think about it you will find the community here far more understandable and helpable...
And although i dont expect such a thing here, please, everyone, this is not a place for a flame war...