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25 kHz: tweak the registers of the Arduino and you can get 25 kHz PWM signal. See ATmega328 datasheet for details. Use a MOSFET gate driver IC to aid its switching (there are numerous options, see e.g. and pick one that suits your needs).
30V out: add a 30V zener to the output to limit the voltage, in parallel to the 68µF C, or you easily get >40V (at which point the 1N5819 will leak so much that it limits the output voltage - replace it with a 1N4148 and your output voltage easily goes >100V).
Lessen the load; 50Ω at 30V is 600 mA. This circuit can no way produce anything near that. I'm expecting around 10 mA tops.
Maximum reverse voltage for the 1N5818 is 30V so you're really pushing it using it in this way (especially without any form of voltage limiting on the output). OP's 1N5159 is a better choice (40V reverse voltage rating), though my preferred choice would be the 1N4148.