Open weather not responding with Nano connect

I do have a problem getting a sketch to work with the Nano Connect. I am trying to run Bodmer’s Openweather LittleFS and it says download complete and all I get is a black screen. I am running TFT_eSPI setup 62. I can run thru all examples with no issues. I then load OpenWeather Test and WiFi responds and open weather links up and displays serial data. I then try to run OpenweatherLittleFS and all I get is download complete with the file size and no response in serial monitor and TFT display. I am running Arduino IDE 2.1 with a MacBook pro with 13.3. I can’t help but think I have missed enabling something but do not have enough experience to know what. Any thoughts????

No idea at all ..

We need circuit diagram , and code - see the forum guides !

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