OpenCV on Arduino Nano ESP32

I am implementing a program on Arduino Nano ESP32: the KY-037 microphone is connected to the board and collects five seconds of analog signal. Then, an algorithm is applied to create a 128 x 128 matrix from the five-second signal. Now, I would like to apply the HOGDescriptor function from OpenCV.
Are there any possibilities to do so?
How can OpenCV be installed on Arduino?

Try putting "OpenCV Arduino" into your favourite internet search engine;

eg, opencv arduino - Google Search

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Thank you! The point is that I am not using any ESP cam or images. I internally compute an "image" which is a matrix of size 128 x 128 with integer numbers from 0 to 255. From that matrix I want to implement HOG features. Many people on the net says that I must use raspberry for OpenCV to work but I am quite sure that I can manage to implement that single function.

So have a go at it, then.

I'm sure the interwebs will have plenty of resources on how to implement a HOG function...

eg, implement a HOG function - Google Search

Already implemented HOG function. I would like to replicate the whole process inside my device.

You seem to keep changing the question!

If you've already implemented the HOG function then you can see what resources your implementation uses - and easily determine whether that'll fit on any given target?


I am sorry, I try to be more clear.
I trained the whole code on Python with existing signals. Now, I would like to implement the device and I need to add the OpenCV HOG function. I don't know how to let the library communicate with arduino or to insert it into the device.

You have to explain in more details:
where did you implement the HOG-function?

  • on a pc using python?
  • on a raspberry pi using C++
  • something else?

what exact type of "thing" is "your device" ???
I really don't understand where the difficulty might be to

I don't know it because you haven't told a single bit (a "0" or a "1") about what this process is.

Does this mean you dragged and dropped some symbols in OpenCV for windows and now you would like to know how you do "the same thing" on an arduino?

I'm pretty sure that this guessing question shoots 168 degrees into the wrong direction.
I just wrote to make you understand that you have to specifify much more things before somebody can be helpful.

If you like the analogy:
do training the users here on the forum with basic informations of what you have done and what you plan to do

best regards Stefan

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Since it seems you use Python for OpenCV, I'd suggest you look at OpenMV.
Unfortunately there is not build of OpenMV build for ESP32, you'll have to use another board which is supported.

It's your best bet

@awneil , please refrain from LMGTFY suggestions, @alessiasimone is just trying to get help in this forum

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Thank you!
Searching throw the net, It seems that the only solution for me Is tò male the Arduino code work inside the device until a certain point, then, run a Python script which ready the serial with the "serial" library and male the OpenCV works in this way.
I Always try tò make cheap things work, i know that i would Need a Raspberry.