Opening 2 serial monitors for wifly modules serially connected to 1 uno

So I have two wifly modules connected to an Arduino Uno serially (set up two sets of tx/rx pins). My task is to send data serially through the arduino to the first wifly module then that data then is sent from the first wifly module to the second (over the connection that both modules have to my phone's hotspot) then sent from the second back to the arduino. I have two questions.

First: to send data from the first wifly module to the second, is it as easy as setting the protocol to tcp and setting the ip address of the remote host as the first wifly module on the second module? On the wifly command reference manual, section 2.3.4 lays this method out and says that "Typing
into one terminal emulator will display the result on the other terminal emulator."

Second: If the answer to the first question is yes, then how am I to open two serial monitors for both wifly modules? I've been trying to find a solution for the past day or so but to no avail. I did read that in previous versions of the arduino uno software that it was possible to open a new session of the arduino IDE instead of just using file open to open the sketches for both modules, and this would result in two serial monitors possible. Also, I've read that using alternative options for terminals such as Putty would allow me to have one serial monitor opened regularly through arduino then the second through Putty. I tried using Putty, but using the ip address of the second wifly module did not result in Putty connecting to it

It would be a big help if you post a diagram that shows what is connected to what and how the data flows are intended to work.

If your Uno is connected to your PC with the regular USB cable then you will only be able to open one serial monitor (either with the Arduino IDE or PuTTY, or whatever).

If your wifly modules connect by WiFi directly to your PC then that obviously opens up other possibilities.
