OpenPicoRTOS V1.9.1: support for Arduino Uno R4 Minima

Hello Arduino community,

Basic support for the Arduino Uno R4 Minima / Renesas RA4M1 microcontroller has been added to OpenPicoRTOS in today's release.

It provides support for:

  • single core scheduling
  • ADC
  • Clock system
  • Multiplexer
  • GPIOs
  • PWMs
  • SPIs
  • UARTs (SCI)

An I2C driver exists in the staging tree but has not been tested yet.
A simple test/demo is available in the demo/arduino-uno_r4 directory.

OpenPicoRTOS is a very minimalistic hard RTOS initially designed for safety critical applications that has been ported to a variety of popular hobbyist embedded architectures, such as Arduinos (Mega2560, Uno, Due & now, Uno R4) or Raspberry Pi Pico, amongst others.

The v1.9.x series offer better ergonomics for developers than the previous versions, by providing a graphical configuration menu similar to Linux (make menuconfig).

Sources can be found here: : GitHub - jnaulet/OpenPicoRTOS: Very small, safe, lightning fast, yet portable preemptive RTOS with SMP support