Opta and the PLC IDE are not stable, crashes constantly

I've been testing for a while with the Opta and PLC IDE to use in building automation as an alternative to the Siemens Logo but the Opta and the PLC IDE are not stable and reliable at all. The PLC IDE crashes constantly and shuts itself down, even the Opta sometimes does not start up on restart. I have already experienced several times that I cannot communicate with the PLC via Modbus TCP and then always get the error message 'Hardware ID error'. After several reboots I can get communication again.
When I have no communication, I can control the PLC via Node Red with Modbus TCP, so there is indeed a connection.
I was wondering if I'm the only one that the Opta is so unstable or if there are others who have this problem as well.

Contact Arduino Pro Support via Contact us. Give full details of the issue and your machine details such as OS version.

But PLC IDE is a AXEL Logic Lab licence, so the comunication destination is Arduino Support, Finder or Axel ?

Assumed he was refering to Arduino PLC IDE & Hardware - Arduino Opta

Opta in not Arduino because is patnership with Finder Italia. Same PLC IDE, if you open OPTA Sketch with IDE you can see AXEL like licence.
I also have problem with Opta, but i don't know how is the reference.

I received feedback from Arduino support : there is a new version of PLC IDE The problem with the communication between PLC IDE and the Opta seems to be solved with this new version.

From monday, i use PLC IDE and there is problem of communication watchdog if you put the Opta in boot and try to communicate in modbus (this is an example because i have other big problem with Opta). There are others problems in communication, like download (called upload ??) in modbus tcp and the application is stored in memory volatile or with USB you need to put in boot mode during download. There are too elements of instability from Opta versus Logo (i use Logo since first version).

Hi @enrob

generally speaking, using PLC-IDE you don't need to put the OPTA in bootloader mode (pressing twice the reset), otherwise the communication will not work.

I suggest to start with a fresh project, and follow this tutorial to setup a stable connection

The bootloader mode is only useful when programming the OPTA with Arduino Language, because it prevent the code to be executed, making possible to show the board as USB device.

if you still experiencing issue would you mind to contact the PRO support Contact Arduino Pro Support https://www.arduino.cc/en/contact-us/

Hi @AndreaRichetta i try to explain in this forum (also at finder) that the documentation is not usefull for my problem.

I sent every step with all information to Finder like documentation, last friday to yesterday, when we found a procedure for solve it.

I published every information for version, compiler, error document and i wrote to Arduino Pro Support with these informations.

In this moment i can produce the problem on USB download on every opta (i have 7 devices and i tryed on 5).

Best regards