Opta Lite w/magnetic sensors

Hi all.
We still facing an issue trying to capture the status change of magnetic sensors connected to OPTA Digital Inputs w/resistence etc..
When closed, we've a 12v tension, 10v when open.
We've setup our script to identify when Pin status change to HIGH and we want to have a "circuit open" on Serial Monitor logs.
Unfortunately, opening the sensors didn't modify the status (always closed).
We've verified via tester the voltage changes from Closed (12v) to Open (10v).
Also, we've configured the script to power up the Opta LED (4 leds on the board) when sensors status change....but nothing happens.
Do you have any idea? Where still failing...?
Thanks so much for your support
Best regards

The Opta is compatible with max 10V on analogic reads.

It can handle 24V max, but in your setup it will think it is HIGH on both situations 10V and 12V.