Hi, I'm new in Arduino... So...
I would like to connect an Optical Sensor TCST1000 ( Link : http://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/26408/VISAY/TCST1000.html )
to Arduino, and each time that i cut the light in the sensor, i would like to have an output of 5v on a digital Output....
I've look everywhere but nothing on the web that can help me...
So, someone can help me to know how i've to connect the TCST1000 ? and how can i use his analogic input ??
You should measure the voltages at the relevant nodes (collector of phototransistor, voltage across LED resistor, etc.) in an interrupted and non-interrupted condition and see if they make sense. First, make sure the voltage across the LED resistor is about 15-20mA. If not, the LED is not giving off any light.
With no interruption, the voltage at the digital input pin should be no more than 0.4V. If it is higher, then there is a problem. With an interruption, the voltage at the digital input pin should rise up to nearly 5V.
Measure these values and let us know what you find.
First, make sure the voltage across the LED resistor is about 15-20mA. If not, the LED is not giving off any light.
Also, if you've got a digital camera or camera phone, you may be able to see the light from the LED in the electronic (not optical!) viewfinder. Try this first with an IR remote control.
Hi, thanks for your time... i don't understand... if you have an e-mail, i can send you a photo of the circuit... so you can see if i do something wrong...
Just post the photo here, paste the URL of it in between the bracket comments that come up when you click the picture icon (third from the left in the top of the reply box).
make sure the voltage across the LED resistor is about 15-20mA.
What that means is that with 15 mA flowing through a 220R resistor you should measure about 3.3V with your volt meter across the resistor.
The circuit will work if you wire it up correctly.
Sounds a similar device to what I use on a project although its a reflective sensor. I hooked it up to an analogue input with a threshold value and used a 330K resistor on the photo transistor side. I couldn't get a clean enough switchover to use a digital input. Just try changing the resistor value and measuring the output voltage with a voltmeter whilst interrupting the beam. You'll generally get a bigger voltage change by increasing the value of the resistor on the photo transistor. I'd leave the resister on the led as is. I only have 5 milliamp running through mine and increasing it had little effect on the sensitivity of the device.