Optical Tachometer on Pro Micro clone - code not working

Hi there! Completely new to Arduino.

I am building an optical tachometer using an IR sensor. The tacho works on an Arduino R3 board but I would like to use a pro-micro clone instead, the version I have is 5V 16MHz:

The code is based on the code from James Rovere's Easy Peasy Tachometer project (thanks very much) and works fine on an Arduino R3 using pin 2 as the sensor input. Here is the code:

// optical_tacho2 for Arduino R3
//delay turned to 1000ms
#include <Wire.h>
#include  <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>// You may have to edit library for 128x64,
//  default is  128 x 32.

#define OLED_WIDTH 128
#define OLED_HEIGHT 64

#define  OLED_ADDR   0x3C // A very common address for these displays.

Adafruit_SSD1306  display(OLED_WIDTH, OLED_HEIGHT);

float value=0;
float rev=0;
int  rpm;
int oldtime=0;        
int time;

void isr()          //interrupt  service routine

void setup()
 display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC,  OLED_ADDR);
digitalWrite(2 ,HIGH);// Instead  of using a pull up resistor. Use pin 2 on arduino R3 board
attachInterrupt(0,isr,RISING);  //attaching the interrupt


void  loop()
delay(1000);// 1 second delay
detachInterrupt(0);           //detaches  the interrupt while calculating
time=millis()-oldtime;        //finds the time  
rpm=(rev/time)*60000;         //calculates rpm
oldtime=millis();             //saves  the current time

  display.setCursor(0, 0);// Vertical, Horizontal.



For the Pro-micro clone I have changed the IR sensor input pin to 4:

 optical_tacho3_for cheap board.
 Caution!! Use 5V 16MHz settings, else board gets bricked. Use the Arduino bookmarks folder to un-brick devices
 This is the tacho for the cheap pro-micro clone
 on COM22 (may change ports)
//delay turned to 1000ms
// digitalwrite pin changed to 4

#include <Wire.h>
#include  <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>// You may have to edit library for 128x64,
//  default is  128 x 32.

#define OLED_WIDTH 128
#define OLED_HEIGHT 64

#define  OLED_ADDR   0x3C // A very common address for these displays.

Adafruit_SSD1306  display(OLED_WIDTH, OLED_HEIGHT);

float value=0;
float rev=0;
int  rpm;
int oldtime=0;        
int time;
int sensor = 4;

void isr()          //interrupt  service routine

void setup()
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC,  OLED_ADDR);
digitalWrite(4 ,HIGH);// Instead  of using a pull up resistor. Use pin 4 on clone

attachInterrupt(0,isr,RISING);  //attaching the interrupt


void  loop()
delay(1000);// 1 second delay
detachInterrupt(0);           //detaches  the interrupt while calculating
time=millis()-oldtime;        //finds the time  
rpm=(rev/time)*60000;         //calculates rpm
oldtime=millis();             //saves  the current time

display.setCursor(0, 0);// Vertical, Horizontal.


However, when I upload the code to the pro-micro clone, I get a fixed value on the OLED of RPM: 57

Diagnosis so far:

  • Works fine on R3 board with the IR sensor connected to pin 2
  • Changing the Pro Micro board in IDE to Sparkfun Pro Micro, Adafruit 32U4 Breakout or Arduino Micro has no effect
  • Changing delay(1000) to delay(2000) halves the number displayed to RPM: 29
  • Changing attachInterrupt(0,isr,RISING); detachInterrupt(0); attachInterrupt(0,isr,RISING); to attachInterrupt(4,isr,RISING); detachInterrupt(4); attachInterrupt(4,isr,RISING); displays a fixed RPM: 0 on the OLED

Circuit diagram:

  • Red wire is VCC
  • Black wire is GND
  • Orange wire is SDA (pin 2)
  • Yellow Wire is SCL (pin 3)
  • Brown wire is IR sensor input to board (pin 4)

Many thanks for any help :grinning:

From the Pro Micro schematic, pin 4 equals PD4


Based on the datasheet, PD4 is not the INT0 pin.


Hi sterretje

Brilliant, thankyou. On the above schematic it looks like pin 3 is INT0. Am I correct?

So how would I have to modify the code to account for this? Apologies, very new to programming...

Is a way to attach the interrupt that might be "easy peasy" but is error-prone
No comments about which IO-pins are interrupt-capable
and as a fixed number you the user must take care of which IO-pin relates to interrupt 0

it is better to use

to attach the correct interrupt

best regards Stefan

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You have a few options; start by consulting the datasheet of the 32U4 microcontroller if you haven't done so yet.

Next look at the microprocessor pins. There are 5 pins that can be used as external interrupt
PD0..PD3 and PE6. All those pins are broken out on the Pro Micro

Processor    Pro Micro

PD0/SCL      D3/SCL
PD1/SDA      D2/SDA
PD2/RXD1     D0/RX
PD3/TXD2     D1/TX
PE6/AIN0     D7

So make your choice of the ones that are still available and attach the correct interrupt number. Follow @StefanL38's advice for that.

@StefanL38 @sterretje

Thanks very much for your information and help with understanding the functions and pinout above. I will take a look this evening and let you know if i manage to get it working :grinning:

Do you know this funky coverversion of The Monster Mash ?

@StefanL38 brilliant :grinning:

Apologies guys, we have had a big storm here so I've been repairing fences all day. I will report back tomorrow with my tacho findings.

@sterretje @StefanL38

Thanks very much; problem solved!

I started by reloading the program onto my R3 with the following amendments as suggested:

digitalWrite(2 ,HIGH); //Instead  of using a pull up resistor. Use pin 2 on arduino R3 board

attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2),isr,RISING);  //attaching the interrupt


void  loop()
delay(1000);// 1 second delay
detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2));           //detaches  the interrupt while calculating
time=millis()-oldtime;        //finds the time  
rpm=(rev/time)*60000;         //calculates rpm
oldtime=millis();             //saves  the current time

  display.setCursor(0, 0);// Vertical, Horizontal.



This worked fine, so I then used D7 on the micro clone:


As above, and success :grinning:. Now all I need is 4 wheels and reheat. Cheers all!

I'm surprised :wink: I suspect that that should have been


And that digitalWrite(2 ,HIGH) should have been digitalWrite(7 ,HIGH).

With that said, you should not use magic numbers for pins but rather use names as shown below.

const uint8_t interruptPin = 7;
digitalWrite(interruptPin ,HIGH)

That way you only have to change the pin number once and there is no chance that you forgot to change it somewhere.


Haha! Yes I meant that I changed it to pin 7.

Thanks for your help with the code grammar. I will experiment with assigning as you have described above. Cheers!

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