Optimised UTFT for DUE

Demo sketch faster by 1.33 times.
I replace delyas 2000 by 20.
Original UTFT lib does demo 4.4 sec. My lib 3.3 sec.
Lib for static RS, WR, CS, RST pins 38,39,40,41.

UTFT.zip (111 KB)

I did small bench. Fullfill is 4x faster.

Great, but could you tell me how I can change the pins for RS, WR, CS, RST? For my SSD1963 I haven't connected the RST at all and it works fine.

It would be great to use your lib in order to increase speed.

Thanks in advance

Interesting. Though I have a SainSmart shield between my DUE and 7" LCD TFT display so I wouldn't have to do the wiring to the display myself. Will I still be able to use that or will I have to change the pinout?