After running the encoder part of the (4.1 of the arduino engineering kit r2) I tried updating the nano MKR. I updated the board according to this guide
but it made the motor carrier have an orange led next to the switch.
I then tried running the DC motor test code in matlab that worked pre-update but now that doesn't work either. I have looked on different posts and still havent found out how to properly update the motor carrier and get rid of the orange led.
Mount the Nano 33 IoT board on the Nano Motor Carrier if it is not already.
Connect the Nano 33 IoT board to your computer with the USB cable.
Start Arduino IDE.
Select the Nano 33 IoT board from the menu on the Arduino IDE toolbar
Select File > Examples > ArduinoMotorCarrier > Flasher from the Arduino IDE menus.
The "Flasher" sketch will open in a new Arduino IDE window.
Select Sketch > Upload from the Arduino IDE menus.
If Serial Monitor is not already open, select Tools > Serial Monitor from the Arduino IDE menus.
The "Serial Monitor" view will open in the bottom panel of the Arduino IDE window.
You should now see text printed in Serial Monitor that shows the progress of flashing the firmware on the Nano Motor Carrier. Wait until the text stops.
Does the problem of the built-in LED being on still occur after that? Is so, please add a reply here on the forum thread to tell us what you saw in Serial Monitor.
The output we expect to see in Serial Monitor if the firmware update was successful is something like this:
Reset D11
Erase flash
Starting flash
Booting FW
New version: 0.20