Orange LED on ELEGOO Uno R3

I am trying to work through a project and there are two things happening. One is that the orange LED will turn on right when plugged in then fade off and not come back one. Two, the port isn't available in the tools.

I've reset the board, changes USB cables, and even changed the board I was using. Nothing has fixed this problem so far. is there any advice for why this isn't working?

*Also I have verified my code and there are no problems there and nothing is plugged into pin 13.


Sounds like you're overloading the power supply.

  1. Disconnect everything from the board and see if it solves the issue if the board is poeered from USB.
  2. Please provide a schematic / wiring diagram. A photo of a hand drawn one is fine. It should contain all components that are connected to the board as well is all power and ground connections.

Your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum. Installation and Troubleshooting is not for problems with (nor for advice on) your project.

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