Orbital photogrammetry rig!

Hey guys! I'm quite immersed in this project right now, so sorry for long post. Adding photos on the bottom to help you visualize stuff :slight_smile:

I'm a designer so not the most code savvy. I have some experience, but never used a stepper before. I am building a photogrammetry rig for a friends really exiting project. Due to how photogrammetry software works, orbiting the camera seems way more stable in getting good results more often, than just revolving a turntable. I think I will put the CAD files and part list online once I know it all works.

(Mechanical information)
I am considering using a simpler stepper (28HYJ-48) and driver (ULN2003 derivative). Its not the strongest, I know(30g lift 10cm out on a stick), but it will be used sideways and not for actual lifting. The balanced ring is about 600 grams total, and have low friction due to ball bearings. torque will of course be the question here. The 3D printed physical gear ratio is 9:1, to pull out some extra strength.

side note* The actual camera release is triggered by a reed switch activated by 24 magnets placed around the platter. It is not connected to anything else, and not part of the code.

(actual questions)

1.Is this mechanically feasible?
2. How would I go about making a code that states Push button = 1 full revolution x9(times 9 because of the mechanical gear)
3. How would I incorporate a potentiometer for speed adjustment? It would be needed to fine tune speed to not mess with shutter speed and motion blut etc. I think a continous revolve at a stable speed is more reliable and durable than start/stop rotation 24 times.

Thanks a bunch! feel free to ask more questions. Its nice not being secretive about projects.

Here is a photo. I am a bit restricted as being a new account. will post more photos as soon as I can :slight_smile:

Heres a wireframed inside look :o