So this is receiving a time of day in a string of ascii characters. This happens to be the HOURS ONES position, so this chacter can be 0-9, but would only be 0' in 24-hour mode or if in 12 hour mode, the HOURS TENS is '1' or '1' or '2' under any other conditions, or '3' in 24-hour mode or if HOURS ONES is '0', or '4' to '9' if HOURS TENS is '0' or in 24-hour mode AND HOURS TENS is '1'.
The rest of the string is not nearly as complicated.
"I==4" evaluates first because of the left to right rule. If i is not 4, the rest will not be evaluated at all.
Probably not. The result would be the same whether it was evaluated first or later, but it might be faster/more efficient because "I==4" does get evaluated first, because it is on the left. But in this case, not much faster because the stuff on the right is all pretty simple.
Your comment reads right from the textbook. But doesn't answer my question. As "i==4" is left of "(buf[3] == '1' && buf[2] == '2')" but the latter is several parenthesis deep, which one evaluates first? Could I insure "i==4" would evaluate first by nesting it an equal number of parenthesis deep? Do I NEED to to get it to evaluate first?
This would only change if there was a function call in any part of the statement? The function would return it's value before the rest of the condition is evaluated?
Order of evaluation - Just trying to understand. I don't mind a complicated conditional branch as long as I don't have to dwell on evaluating it with every iteration through the loop, so if I better understand, I can order things so that the more complicated evaluation happens under specific conditions. If, for example, some part of the more right part of the condition were to slow things down, I could nest it in a seperate condition, or make my function calls before or nested, depending on how it all works out, but right now, I'm a little confused, so I'm asking questions, if that's ok.
At the top you have a logical AND, so the compiler will know the whole thing is wrong if the left expression is wrong. if it's not false (so true), then it goes look at the next piece. since it's a logical OR, it will evaluate them left to right and stop when one is true (since true && true is true)
so if c == '0' is false, the second && will be false and thus (buf[3] == '1' || buf[2] == '2') won't even be evaluated (skip steps 3 and 4). if it's true, then it will look at buf[3] == '1' (step 3) and if it's true then the second part (step 4) does not need to be evaluated (since true OR xxx is true)