orientalmotor + arduino

Good afternoon,

I'm trying to connect an arduino to a servomotor of orienetalmotors (AZM69A0K) commanded with his driver (AZD-KX). Between the arduino and the driver, I have to put mosfets (IRF520N) to give 24V to the driver.

I have used the code that Robin2 put on a post (Simple Stepper Program - Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC - Arduino Forum), and nothing happens.

Can you help to me to move the motor?

Thank you very much.

pd: I attach an scheme of my wiring, and the manuals of the driver and motor.

HM-60315-2E.pdf (909 KB)

Good afternoon,

I'm trying to connect an arduino to a servomotor of orienetalmotors (AZM69A0K) commanded with his driver (AZD-KX). Between the arduino and the driver, I have to put mosfets (IRF520N) to give 24V to the driver.

I have used the code that Robin2 put on a post (Simple Stepper Program - Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC - Arduino Forum), and nothing happens.

Can you help to me to move the motor?

Thank you very much.

pd: I attach an scheme of my wiring, and the manuals of the driver and motor.

I am confused by what you have shown. Did you rip out all the control electronics from the servo motor and you are now trying to run it directly?


I am confused by what you have shown. Did you rip out all the control electronics from the servo motor and you are now trying to run it directly?


The servomotor only uses the driver as an electronic component. I try to connect the arduino signal directly to the driver, giving 5V pulses to CW and CCW, and nothing happens too.

I'm trying to run the servomotor with the arduino, using his driver.

IF I remember correctly, the motor controller takes 5 volt signals to control it. Why do you use mosfets to apply 24 volts to the 5 volt control signals? The 24 volts is used to power the motor's controller and the motor. Then your Arduino could control it by just connecting Arduino digital pins to the motor controller.

But if you really have put 24 volts to the motor controller input control pins, then you need a new device.
