os catalina cannot open IDE

please help me, after updating macOS catalina, arduino ide can't be opened because of malicious software?

This is because Arduino no longer has the correct certificate for Catalina. Spent many hours with Apple support to discover this.

This is because Arduino no longer has the correct certificate for Catalina. Spent many hours with Apple support to discover this. The message that comes up is about malicious software but it’s because certificate is “out of date”


II have the same problem, but whats the fix?


II have the same problem, but whats the fix?

Did the reply that I gave in the other thread that you participated in not work?

Arduino support passed this on to me, which does work:

IDE 1.8.10 on macOS Catalina is properly signed and is expected to be working by 'Show in Finder' -> 'right-clicking' on the application icon -> 'Open'.

For those of you who find that there is no 'Open' command on the menu when you right-click on the application icon:

Try opening the application normally; you will fail but click OK.

Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy.

You should see at the bottom of the General tab that there is a message about Arduino and an 'Open Anyway' button.

Click on this and you will get the dialog allowing you to open the application.

Error:- APPLE cannot check if it's malicious software

We request you to follow the below procedure:

  1. Right-click on the Arduino file and select open.
  2. A dialogue box with ''Are you sure you want to open it ?'' appears and we recommend you to select open.

None of the above have worked for me! Can anybody help please? I need to be printing ASAP